Navigator Family and Friends,


Sixty years ago, when Navigators and friends worldwide spent a year of focused prayer for Japan, God answered and raised up our first generation of Japanese Laborers. Since then the Lord has provided for our missionary work with much grace and guidance. We stand everyday in awe of His goodness.


Yet, the need for God to provide once again for this great calling of advancing the gospel in Japan is pressing heavily upon us. Where the Christian population hovers around one percent, many Japanese have never heard the Good News of Christ. We see how great the harvest is but it feels as if our laborers in Japan are becoming fewer and fewer.


Just like sixty years ago, we long to see God move in this situation and use the Navigators to raise up Spirit filled laborers who with a unity in love will carry the Gospel to all places in Japan.


As such Japan Navigators is asking our world-wide Navigator family to join us for another year of prayer. From April 1, 2025 to March 31, 2026 we will be seeking God together for Japan. It would greatly bless us if you would join us for this year of committed prayer. Those who sign up below will receive regular monthly prayer assignments, as well as announcements of special prayer events.


Thanks for your labor in the Lord. May God bless you wherever you are and may Japan become a nation that worships Him,


Toru Ogawa

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